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tutoring in san diego

Nice post, this sort of element is essential for teachers because teacher is the person who directs the student towards success. That is why he / she must knows the all the aspects of human psychology.

Jon Ellis, Tutorhub

A few comments come to mind:

Intuitively an average 0.75 standard deviation improvement seems a much more likely outcome, albeit there will be a wide range and for some students 2+ SD's improvements are also possible.

I wouldn't presume that human tutoring isn't scalable. Historically the issues have been ones of poor market information (matching tutors to students) and accessibility (face to face, in the home). New(ish) technologies like online tutoring have the capacity to add much more scale to the supply of human tutors and make them more easily consumed over the internet.

Having said that I agree that both intelligent tutoring systems and computer aided instruction can be very effective and the future potential is enormous, particularly when you think of the possibilities presented by technologies such as artificial intelligence. Who knows, we could have machine learning delivered in a similar way to human learning in the future.

Like you say - there is something interesting here.

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